Congrats to the Middle School Speech team on a successful meet on Saturday at Freemont Bergan! Results: Serious: Kaylee - 2nd Humorous: Paul - tied for 2nd Inform: Rylan S - 4th Persuasive: Rylee - 4th Huge thanks to Justine, Hannah, and Braxton for judging!
almost 3 years ago, Ernie Valentine
Middle School Speech
Bellwood movie night watching Nim’s Island, to celebrate the conclusion of our One Book, One School event!
almost 3 years ago, Danielle Beerbohm
Bellwood movie night
Mr. Schulze's middle school PE students play in the champions pickleball tournament. 1st and 2nd place finishers from each class period advanced to the middle school championship.
almost 3 years ago, Chad Lindsley
DCES had a very successful Scholastic Book Fair last night during Family Literacy Night. Not only did parents get over $2,670 of books into kids' hands, but the book fair profit resulted in $1,325.72 being used to purchase new books for the elementary library. Way to go, Scouts!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Congratulations to Neely Behrns for being one of the initial 24 student-athletes selected (from all classes) to play in the Nebraska Coaches Association All-Star Game! What a fantastic and deserving honor! #dcscouts
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
NCA Graphic
Congratulations to Neely Behrns and Emily Johnson for being selected as members of the Lincoln Journal Star Class C-1 All-State Honorable Mention Team for Girls Basketball! #dcscouts
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Congratulations to Neely Behrns and Emily Johnson. Neely was selected as a member of the Omaha World-Herald Class C-1 All-State 2nd Team for Girls Basketball! Emily was selected as Honorable Mention! #dcscouts
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Congratulations to Caden Denker for being selected as a member of the Omaha World-Herald Class C-1 All-State Honorable Mention Team for Boys Basketball! #dcscouts
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Congratulations to Barrett Andel and Brayden Johnson for receiving the 2021-2022 Winter @NebChiro Academic All-State Award for Wrestling! #dcscouts
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Congratulations to Valori Olson and Braxton Small for receiving the 2021-2022 Winter @NebChiro Academic All-State Award for Speech! #dcscouts
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Congratulations to Neely Behrns and Emily Johnson for receiving the 2021-2022 Winter @NebChiro Academic All-State Award for Girls Basketball! #dcscouts
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Congratulations to Caden Denker and Jack McKay for receiving the 2021-2022 Winter @NebChiro Academic All-State Award for Boys Basketball! #dcscouts
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Intro to STS students completed a bill of materials, a three-view drawing, and a plan of procedure for their second woods project. Projects are close to completion and looking great!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Student in Woods class
Student in Woods class
Students in Woods class
SCOUT GOLF - Wednesday, April 6th at DC West. 9:00 am. Pines Country Club.
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
DC West Invite Graphic
Map of Pines Country Club
SCOUT MS TRACK - The meet scheduled for Thursday, April 7th has been moved to Friday, April 8th. Same times and order of events.
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Graphic Stanton Invite
Stanton Order of Events
Congratulations to the FCCLA members at the state STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) event competition today! Career Investigation Level 1- State Runner-Up (Silver)- Jacob Lange* Chapter in Review Level 3- State Runners-Up (Gold)-Ava Neujahr* and Kaydense Hansen* Chapter in Review Portfolio Level 3- State Champion (Gold)-Braxton Small* Event Management Level 2- (Bronze)-Kaitlyn Palik and Chloe Zegers Fashion Design Level 3- (Gold)- Valori Olson Interior Design Level 3- State Runners-Up (Gold)- Autumn Lindsley* and Drew Whitney* Professional Presentation Level 2- (Silver)- Hannah Scribner Promote and Publicize Level 1- State Champion (Gold)-Ellie Bales* Recycle & Redesign Level 3- (Gold)-Kennen Robinson Sport Nutrition Level 1- State Runner-Up (Silver)- Abby Lindsley* *National Qualifier
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Our students and staff would like to recognize all of our custodians and maintenance crew for the countless hours they put into our school facilities and grounds on a routine basis!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Congratulations to 7 of the 12 students selected to the UNK Honor Choir who were able to attend the rescheduled festival today! It was a wonderful day of music for our students!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
David City Students at UNK Honor Choir
Runza Feeds the Need is today! Eat at Runza and support the DCPS Backpack Program!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Runza Feeds the Need ad
STAR livestream for Tuesday, April 5. The link for the live stream of the STAR awards ceremony is
almost 3 years ago, Cortney Couch