Josh and Brian created a putt putt hole titled "Candy Cane Lane." This hole has a lot of curves, which forced Brian and Josh to get creative with materials.
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Josh and Brian and their project
Josh and Brian and their project
Nick and Jayson created a putt putt hole titled "Santa's Sleigh." Golfers have a choice to use a ramp for a hole-in-one, or navigate around Christmas lights.
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Jayson and Nick and their project
Jayson and Nick and their project
Tre and Simon created a putt putt hole titled "Present Paradise." Tre can wrap presents better than most people, and definitely better than his teacher, Mr. Thiem!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Simon and Tre with Project
Present Paradise
Dakota created the putt putt hole "Fireplace Frenzy." The entire fireplace was hand-painted in the art room. Great job, Dakota!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Dakota and Project
Dakota and Project
David City's Construction Trades students created five Christmas-themed putt putt golf holes to be used at Christmas on the Bricks in DC this year. Thanks to the Christmas on the Bricks committee for this unique project!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Construction Class and Projects
School Calendar Update: Because DCPS did not use any snow days, the last day of school for students will be Friday, May 13, 2022. It will be a full day of school with a 3:35 regular dismissal.
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Congratulations to both the boys and girls middle school track teams for winning the DC Invite today!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Middle School Boys Track Team
Middle School Girls Track Team
Esports had 4 teams qualify this season for the State Competition next Friday in York. Congrats to Angel, Darwin, Jon, Braxton and Garrett in Smash Bros, and Stanley and Jordan in Starcraft!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Esports State Teams
Congratulations to both the boys and girls middle school track teams for winning the DC invite today!
almost 3 years ago, Chad Lindsley
Boys Track
Girls Track
Study Skills class is taking in this beautiful weather with some outdoor reading today. ☀️📖
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
study skills reading outside
Congratulations to Coach Gaylen Kamrath on your induction into the Nebraska High School Sports Hall of fame!
almost 3 years ago, Ernie Valentine
National Honor Society members had this privilege to eat lunch with our elementary students yesterday. Lots of big smiles!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
NHS at elementary lunch
NHS at elementary lunch
NHS at elementary lunch
NHS at elementary lunch
HIGH SCHOOL TRACK UPDATE - Due to the unpredictable nature of the weather this afternoon, Milford has decided to start the running events at 3:oo today instead of 3:30. #dcscouts
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Some Zero-K students attempted to make a Prince Rupert's drop. These drops of glass are bullet proof--as shown when Mikah is unable to break it with a hammer. But tap the hair-end tail and it shatters into pieces of sand.
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Zero-K Students
Prince Rupert's drop
CONGRATULATIONS to Seth Golden and his family on his signing to play football at Doane University!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Seth Golden signs with Doane
SCOUT EVENTS - Week of April 11-April 18.
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
FFA BANQUET for FFA members and parents: Monday, April 18th at 6:30 pm in the commons! A meal and table service will be provided.
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
FFA Banquet Flyer
A huge THANK YOU to our transportation director and our bus drivers for going the extra mile to ensure our students get to and from school and activities in all types of weather conditions throughout the year!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Students with Mr. Kovar
Braxton and Mrs. Zitek
Students and Mr. Styskal
Congrats to the Middle School Speech team on a successful meet on Saturday at Fremont Bergan! Results: Serious: Kaylee - 2nd Humorous: Paul - tied for 2nd Inform: Rylan S - 4th Persuasive: Rylee - 4th Huge thanks to Justine, Hannah, and Braxton for judging!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
MS Speech Team
Middle School Track Results - Stanton Invite, April 8. Great 1st Meet!
almost 3 years ago, David City Schools
Stanton Boys Results
Stanton Girls Results