FCCLA members pose with their painted flower pots

14 members from the David City FCCLA Chapter attended the District 5 Leadership Conference held at Central Community College in Columbus on Friday, October 11. This year’s conference theme was “Growing with FCCLA.” Installation of the District Officers was led by members of the Clarkson chapter. District Officers include President: Braelyn Hemmer of Humphrey, Vice President: Faye Belew of East Butler, VP of Outreach: Melvin Delgado of Howells-Dodge, VP of Public Relations: Emersyn Urban of Leigh, VP of Competitive Events: Korina Bittner of St. Edward, Secretary: Jazminlett Bernal of Schuyler, and District Representatives: Sydney Whatley of Madison, Hadley Dlouhy of Clarkson, and Cloee Davis of Columbus.

Keynote speakers were Carol Wolfe and Ashley Dendiger who gave a presentation on the dangers of fentanyl and other opioids. They shared personal stories, statistics, and OUD prevention and overdose treatment techniques with FCCLA members. The first rotational sessions included a presentation by Taylor Amsler and the group Revolution from the Center for Survivors on “Bystander Intervention,” a flower pot painting project, and lunch served by CCC. Afternoon rotational sessions included: “Food Allergies” by Emily Wietfeld, “Homegrown Nutrition” by Hallie Parker, “FCCLA Program of Work” by Lia Montenegro, “Public Speaking Skills” by Sheila Jenkinson, “Financial Services” by Hunter Nathan, “You Matter! Mental Health and Coping” by Mindy Muhle, “Sixpence: Early Childhood” by Paola Acosta, “Driving Safety” by Ellie Bales, “Teen Dating Violence” by Aleynah Shabram.

During the closing session, award winners were recognized. The Junior Creed Speaking winners were: 1st Place – Jazmine Hernandez , 2nd Place – Addison Beeks, 3rd Place – Ali Werts. The Senior Creed Speaking winners were: 1st Place – Abby Lindsley - David City, 2nd Place – Shelbea Reed - David City, 3rd Place – Isabel Belina. In the poster contest, award winners were: 1st Place - Taelyn Baumert, 2nd Place - Kanon Clarkson and Alaina Sayers, 3rd Place Stanley Allen – David City.